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Programming in Objective-C

  • 12:19:07

  • 76,216

The year was 1986. Sammy Hagar joined Van Halen... Matlock started its 10 year run on TV... Top Gun was Top Dog at the box office... Ferris Bueller took his infamous day off... Nintendo released The Legend of Zelda on NES... AND a little known programming called Objective-C trots its way out on the scene. This course will focus on the other popular "bolt-on" object oriented programming language: Objective-C. Just like C++, this language is attached to C. Even though this and C++ have a similar philosophy they are both extremely different languages. We will be focusing on the Apple implementation of the language and use aspects of the Cocoa Framework. As we progress through this language you will be excelled through a series of basic labs compiling on the command terminal and very quickly thrown in to Xcode (the premiere IDE for the Apple platform). You will even learn how to write Mac OS X and iPhone applications! Not bad for a beginner course, right?

You will not only be exposed to these awesome exercises, but you will know what you are doing at the end of it! No BS material that teases you by showing you just how to make a button. We will open the hood of Objective-C and see what makes her go! Be prepared for a wild ride!

42:37 10
Introduction to NSObjects
17:19 4
Introduction to Cocoa
13:41 4
Object Basics
11:05 2
NSObjects - Numbers
10:07 3
NSObjects - Arrays
10:16 2
NSObjects - Strings
16:47 4
NSLog & Functions
23:27 6
Introduction to Interfaces
41:07 11
More on Interfaces
13:43 3
Static Members
26:45 6
Categories & Inheritance
33:54 8
Basics of Memory Management
34:00 8
09:30 2
11:50 3
08:22 2
Exception Handling
10:20 2
13:58 3
13:41 4
04:39 1
Introduction to the Apple Universe
15:35 4
Mersenne Twister
31:27 7
Fuzzy String
18:52 5
Simple OSX App
14:28 3
Simple iPhone 4.3 App
13:58 3
iPhone 4.3 Navigation Tab App
15:35 4
iPhone 4.3 Drawing App
09:30 2
TicTacToe Model Class
49:28 11
TicTacToe Mac OSX App
1:07:08 15
TicTacToe iPhone 4.3 App
2:15:46 28

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